Frequently Asked Questions
- Trade Single Window
- What is Trade Single Window?
Trade Single Window (TSW) is a one-stop electronic platform for registered users to lodge import and export trade documents with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region online.
TSW will be implemented in three phases. Phases 1 and 2 cover a total of 42 types of trade document for specific types of commodities. The trade is welcome to submit applications for the relevant documents through the TSW on a voluntary basis.
- Which trade documents are covered in Trade Single Window (TSW) Phase 2?
Trade documents covered in TSW Phase 2 are as follows:
- How can I apply trade documents through Trade Single Window (TSW)?
Firstly, you can search here to confirm whether the goods you would like to import /export from Hong Kong are covered by TSW.
If yes, please take the following steps –
- register as a TSW user (individual user or company user) and click here for details;
- subscribe to the online service(s) of trade document(s) and click here for details;
- submit the application of trade document(s) online.
If not, you should continue to submit the trade documents through the existing means to meet relevant regulatory requirements.
- Do I need to pay for using the Trade Single Window (TSW)?
The registration and subscription to online services in TSW is free of charge. However, fees are charged for certain trade documents (applicable to both paper and online submission). Please click here for details.
- What are the system requirements for using Trade Single Window (TSW)?
You are recommended to access TSW by using the following browsers and software –
Recommended browsers
- Google Chrome version 110 or above
- Mozilla Firefox version 109 or above
- Microsoft Edge version 110 or above
- Apple Safari version 5 or above
Additional software required (optional)
- Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (HKSCS)
Recommended browsers
- What are the strengthened password requirements for using Trade Single Window (TSW) System?
The strengthened password requirements are provided below:
Controls Requirements Complexity and Length At least 10 characters with combinations of - upper case letter;
- lower case letter; and
- number; or
- special characters (! @ # $ % & * ?)
Password history Latest 8 passwords cannot be reused Password expiry 180 days Account lockout After 5 invalid logon attempts
- Why does the system not respond when I press the button to use certain trade documents in the Trade Single Window?
To access certain trade document in Trade Single Window, the website will show a pop-up window and redirect you to the corresponding page. You are recommended to allow the pop-up windows from this website for a better user experience. For details, please visit the "Guideline".
- Registration
- Who should register as a Trade Single Window (TSW) user?
An individual or company/organisation which would like to –
- submit the trade documents through the online services in the TSW; and/or
- verify the validity of electronic licences/permits
covered by TSW Phase 1 should first register as a TSW user.
- How to register as a Trade Single Window (TSW) user?
Online registration can be done as follows –
- Please provide the required information, including personal particulars, an email address and supporting document(s);
- Upon submission of the required information, you will receive a notification email with an URL for activation of user account; and
- After you have activated your account, the Office of Trade Single Window Operation will verify the information provided in your registration. Upon verification, you will receive another email notifying you of the registration result.
Please click here for details.
- What are the types of user accounts in Trade Single Window (TSW)?
There are three types of user accounts in TSW –
- Individual Account;
- Company/Organisation (Administrator) Account; and
- Company/Organisation (User) Account.
Please click here for details.
- How to activate user account in Trade Single Window (TSW)?
After you have submitted an online registration to the TSW, a system-generated notification email will be sent to your email address. Please click the URL therein to activate your account. As user account cannot be created without the activation process, please provide an accurate email address in your registration.
- How long does it take to register as an user of the Trade Single Window?
Upon (i) receipt of accurate and complete registration information and relevant supporting documents and (ii) activation of user account, normally the Office of Trade Single Window Operation will verify and approve your registration within two working days. Please allow sufficient time for registration.
Registered users can subscribe to the online service of the following trade documents immediately after activation of user account (i.e. before verification and approval of the Office of Trade Single Window Operation) -item type of Document Types of Document (i) Import and Export Permit for Radiocommunications Transmitting Apparatus (ii) Transhipment Notification for Radiocommunications Transmitting Apparatus
- What are the required supporting documents for registration to Trade Single Window?
The required supporting documents for registration are –
Account Type Supporting Documents Individual Account - Copy of Hong Kong Identity Card (for Hong Kong resident) or travel document (for non-Hong Kong resident).
Company/Organisation (Administrator) Account - Copy of the Company/Organisation’s valid Business Registration Certificate or registration document(s);
- Copy of the Administrator’s Hong Kong Identity Card (for Hong Kong resident) or travel document (for non-Hong Kong resident); and
- Authorisation letter issued by a proprietor, a partner or a board of director of the Company/Organisation authorising him/her as a person acting on behalf of the Company. Please click here for Sample for Authorisation Letter.
Company/Organisation (User) Account - Copy of the User’s Hong Kong Identity Card (for Hong Kong resident) or travel document (for non-Hong Kong resident);
- Authorisation letter issued by a proprietor, a partner or a board of directors of the Company/Organisation authorising him/her as a person acting on behalf of the Company for the submission of trade documents. Please click here for Sample for Authorisation Letter.
- Can I amend my account information in Trade Single Window (TSW)?
After login to TSW, you can click “Update” at the User Profile Page to amend the required information and then click “Save” to complete. You are also required to provide a new set of supporting documents for making amendment to information in relation to Company/Organisation or Personal details.
The Office of Trade Single Window Operation will verify and approve your application within two working days after the date of receipt of submission with complete and accurate registration information and supporting documents.
- Can I cancel my user account in Trade Single Window (TSW)?
The account holder of TSW (including “Individual”, “Company/Organisation (Administrator)”, or “Company/Organisation (User)” accounts) can cancel his/her own account by the following steps -
- login to the TSW system,
- go to “My Profile” page, and
- click “Deregister” at the bottom of that page.
Besides, an account holder of a “Company/Organisation (Administrator)” account is allowed to cancel other “Company/Organisation (Administrator)” or “Company/Organisation (User)” accounts within the same company/organisation. In this case, the following steps are required -
- login to the TSW system,
- click “Other Accounts”, and
- click “Deregister” next to the corresponding account.
- User account cancellation is a permanent and irreversible action. Once the account is cancelled (i.e. deregistered), it can no longer be used to access the TSW system or retrieve any trade documents handled by that account.
- Deregistration is not allowed if you are a holder of a Company/Organisation (Administrator) account and the last Pool Administrator in a User Pool. You may delete the user pool or ask another Company/Organisation (Administrator) to join the user pool in order to proceed the deregistration.
- Subscription to online services
- How to subscribe to online service of a trade document in Trade Single Window (TSW)?
Registered Users of TSW can subscribe to the online services by logging into his/her TSW account, clicking the “Subscribe now” under the “Subscription” tab and following the instructions therein.
- How long does it take to subscribe to online service of a trade document in Trade Single Window (TSW)?
Depending on the requirement of individual trade document, the required time for subscription varies.
For those trade documents which have no pre-requisite for subscription, the subscription shall take immediate effect. You may make online submission immediately after subscription.
For the others, the subscription shall take effect after the relevant Participating Government Agencies had verified and/or approved the required information and/or supporting documents. The verification of information may require about one to two working days. Please allow sufficient time for the subscription process. You may click here for details on the processing time of subscription to individual trade documents.
- Do I need to provide any supporting documents for subscription in Trade Single Window?
The required supporting documents for subscription are –
- Why Registered Users of TSW could not subscribe services?
There are few possible reasons:
- You have modified your user profile account information (with symbol #) which verification is required. During the verification period, subscription to some online services will be suspended.
- Your company/organisation administrator has modified company/organisation profile account information (with symbol #) which verification is required, subscription to some online services will be suspended.
- What is the meaning of different status of subscription?
Status Description Status Description Subscribed You are subscribing the service. Processing The subscription request is under processing. Pending The subscription request is waiting for your action (e.g. account link-up). Not granted The subscription request is rejected. Unsubscribed You have cancelled the subscription of the service.
- Submission of individual trade document
Licences |
Export Licence for Pesticides |
Import Licence for Pesticides |
Combined application (for transhipment of pesticides) - (a) Import Licence for Pesticides; and (b) Export Licence for Pesticides |
- What is considered as a “pesticide” in Hong Kong?
Under Section 2 of the Pesticides Ordinance (PO), Cap. 133 of Laws of Hong Kong, “pesticide” means –
- any insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, acaricide or any substance (whether organic or inorganic) or mixture of substances used or intended to be used for preventing, destroying, repelling, attracting, inhibiting or controlling any insect, rodent, bird, nematode, bacterium, fungus, weed or other form of plant or animal life or any virus, which is a pest; or
- any substance or mixture of substances used or intended to be used as a plant growth regulator, defoliant or desiccant,
but does not include –
- any purely mechanical device for trapping or catching insects, rodents or other animals;
- any purely electromagnetic or ultrasonic device for the control of mosquitoes, rodents or other pests;
- any antiseptic, disinfecting solution or preparation in clinical or sanitary applications that is neither specified in Schedule 1 nor in Part 1 of Schedule 2;
- any pharmaceutical product within the meaning of section 2 of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap. 138 of Laws of Hong Kong); and
- any insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, acaricide or any substance (whether organic or inorganic) or mixture of substances described in paragraph (a) or (b),
- it is neither specified in Schedule 1 nor in Part 1 of Schedule 2;
- it is contained in an individual package or container and does not exceed 10 g or 10 mL; and
- it is used or intended to be used indoors–
- for laboratory research;
- for chemical analysis; or
- as a reference standard.
- What should I do if I want to import or export pesticides?
Under the Pesticides Ordinance (PO), registered pesticides may only be imported by a holder of a Pesticides Licence, and scheduled pesticides or any other unregistered pesticides may only be imported or possessed by a holder of a Pesticides Permit issued in respect of pesticides specified therein.
In addition, each shipment of registered pesticides, scheduled pesticides or any other unregistered pesticides entering/leaving Hong Kong must also be covered by an Import/Export Licence issued under the Import and Export Ordinance, Cap. 60 of Laws of Hong Kong. All Import/Export Licences, with the exception of those covering methyl bromide, are issued by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) under delegation from the Trade and Industry Department. Import/Export Licences for methyl bromide are issued directly by the Director-General of Trade and Industry.
For the lists of registered pesticides and scheduled pesticides, please refer to the website of AFCD.
- What should I do if I want to tranship pesticides other than scheduled pesticides?
Pesticides which are not scheduled pesticides and are transhipped in Hong Kong on a valid through bill of lading or air waybill are exempted from the control of the Pesticides Ordinance but both Import Licence and Export Licence under the Import and Export Ordinance are required.
- Under what circumstances will an Import/Export Licence under the Import and Export Ordinance (IEO) not required?
An Import/Export Licence under IEO is not required when–
- A pesticide is in transit (which is brought in to Hong Kong solely for the purpose of taking it out of Hong Kong and remains at all times in or on the vessel or aircraft in or on which it is brought into Hong Kong); or
- A pesticide is air transhipment cargo (which is both imported and consigned for export in an aircraft and which, during the period between its import and export, remains within the cargo transhipment area of Hong Kong International Airport).
- How long is the validity of an Import/Export Licence for pesticides under the Import and Export Ordinance?
An Import Licence for pesticides is valid for six months from the date of issue, whereas an Export Licence for pesticides is valid for 28 days from the date of issue.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact the Plant and Pesticides Regulatory Division of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department at –
Tel: 2150 7007
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Endangered Species Protection Division (Animal Licensing Unit)
Tel: 2150 6973
Endangered Species Protection Division (Plant Licensing Unit)
Tel: 2150 6967
- What are the controls on endangered species in Hong Kong ?
In Hong Kong, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, Cap. 586, is the local legislation that gives effect to CITES. Under the Ordinance, import, introduction from the sea, export, re-export or possession of endangered species, whether alive, dead, parts or derivatives, requires a licence which must be obtained in advance from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD). The Ordinance also provides exemptions for certain specimens of species.
- How could I make an enquiry about the control on a certain species of animal or plant?
To find out whether an animal or plant is a controlled species, you can check the Schedules 1 to Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, or the Appendices of CITES. You may also check the regulation status of species using their scientific name on Species+ (
- When do I need to apply for "Combine Application of Licence to Export / Re-export for Endangered Species & Non-CITES Re-export Certificate"?
Some items (e.g. handbag) may contain both CITESitems and non-CITES items to which a "Re-export Certificate for Species of non-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) or not yet Controlled under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586)" is required on top of a "Licence to Export / Re-export for Endangered Species" together. In such case, you can use combined application to apply for both the certificate and licence in one go.
- Can I change the application after the application is submitted?
You cannot change the application once the application is submitted through TSW. For any changes, please contact the Endangered Species Protection Division at 2150 6973 or
- How do I input the marking numbers for my specimens?
You can upload a file that contains an image of the marking numbers in the "Supporting Documents" section. Once the marking numbers are processed by AFCD officers, the application will be sent back to you as a new revision. You can then confirm the marking numbers and endorse the revised application.
- I want to import a living animal which is also an endangered species, what licences should I apply? What are the standard procedures for applying these licences?
The standard procedure is to apply for a Special Permit for the living animal first. The application will be reviewed by AFCD and in case the living animal is an endangered species, a notification will be sent to you, informing you to apply for the "Licence to Import for Endangered Species". When applying for the "Licence to Import for Endangered Species", you will be required to provide the Animal Application Reference Number.
- Are there any e-licence for trade documents in relation to endangered species?
No, only paper licence are available.
- What are the file format and file size limit supported by applications in relation to endangered species?
File format: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf only.
Maximum total upload file size: 25MB
- How can I cancel an issued licence?
You cannot cancel an issued licence through TSW. To cancel an issued licence, you should return the original paper licence to AFCD.
- Can I apply for multiple licences on same application?
Yes, you can apply multiple identical licences by filling in the quantity of licence during application.
- How to use the batch upload function?
You can download an excel template from section of “Upload Specimen Details” under “Part 4 –Details”. In the excel, there is a "sample" tab for your reference. Fill in the data field of "specimens" tab. After you fill in the excel, you can upload it through the upload file button. Details of all specimens in the excel will then be loaded to the application page.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Endangered Species Protection Division (Animal Licensing Unit)
Tel: 2150 6973
Endangered Species Protection Division (Plant Licensing Unit)
Tel: 2150 6967
- What are the controls on endangered species in Hong Kong ?
In Hong Kong, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, Cap. 586, is the local legislation that gives effect to CITES. Under the Ordinance, import, introduction from the sea, export, re-export or possession of endangered species, whether alive, dead, parts or derivatives, requires a licence which must be obtained in advance from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD). The Ordinance also provides exemptions for certain specimens of species.
- How could I make an enquiry about the control on a certain species of animal or plant?
To find out whether an animal or plant is a controlled species, you can check the Schedules 1 to Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, or the Appendices of CITES. You may also check the regulation status of species using their scientific name on Species+ (
- When do I need to apply for "Combine Application of Licence to Export / Re-export for Endangered Species & Non-CITES Re-export Certificate"?
Some items (e.g. handbag) may contain both CITESitems and non-CITES items to which a "Re-export Certificate for Species of non-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) or not yet Controlled under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586)" is required on top of a "Licence to Export / Re-export for Endangered Species" together. In such case, you can use combined application to apply for both the certificate and licence in one go.
- Can I change the application after the application is submitted?
You cannot change the application once the application is submitted through TSW. For any changes, please contact the Endangered Species Protection Division at 2150 6973 or
- How do I input the marking numbers for my specimens?
You can upload a file that contains an image of the marking numbers in the "Supporting Documents" section. Once the marking numbers are processed by AFCD officers, the application will be sent back to you as a new revision. You can then confirm the marking numbers and endorse the revised application.
- I want to import a living animal which is also an endangered species, what licences should I apply? What are the standard procedures for applying these licences?
The standard procedure is to apply for a Special Permit for the living animal first. The application will be reviewed by AFCD and in case the living animal is an endangered species, a notification will be sent to you, informing you to apply for the "Licence to Import for Endangered Species". When applying for the "Licence to Import for Endangered Species", you will be required to provide the Animal Application Reference Number.
- Are there any e-licence for trade documents in relation to endangered species?
No, only paper licence are available.
- What are the file format and file size limit supported by applications in relation to endangered species?
File format: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf only.
Maximum total upload file size: 25MB
- How can I cancel an issued licence?
You cannot cancel an issued licence through TSW. To cancel an issued licence, you should return the original paper licence to AFCD.
- Can I apply for multiple licences on same application?
Yes, you can apply multiple identical licences by filling in the quantity of licence during application.
- How to use the batch upload function?
You can download an excel template from section of “Upload Specimen Details” under “Part 4 –Details”. In the excel, there is a "sample" tab for your reference. Fill in the data field of "specimens" tab. After you fill in the excel, you can upload it through the upload file button. Details of all specimens in the excel will then be loaded to the application page.
Permit |
Import Permit (For the Importation of Breeding Pigs from Mainland) |
Import Permit (For the Importation of Pigs, Cattle, Sheep and Goats from Mainland for Slaughter) |
Import Permit (For Importation of Non-food mammals from Mainland) |
Import Permit (For the Importation of Animal Products) |
- If my cat/dog has visited Mainland China, will it be subject to 4-month quarantine at the AFCD quarantine centre upon arrival in Hong Kong?
Yes, your dog/cat will be subject to 4-month quarantine at our quarantine centre upon arrival in Hong Kong after visiting Mainland China. Before coming back to Hong Kong, please obtain an Import Permit and reserve the quarantine space in advance. Dog/cat will be released from quarantine under the condition that it has no clinical signs of rabies and the quarantine fee has been settled.
- I want to import breeding pigs from the Mainland, what documents do I need?
Importation of live breeding pigs is regulated under the Public Health (Animals and Birds) Regulations, Cap. 139 and the Rabies Ordinance, Cap. 421. Importers must apply for a permit well in advance from this Department before importation. The importer must be a locally based person or a company incorporated in Hong Kong who shall take every precautionary measure to ensure that all permit terms are fully complied with. The permit is valid for 6 months and for one consignment.
Keeping of pigs in Hong Kong requires a licence issued by this Department. Such import shall only be considered if the importer has a satisfactory breeding farm in Hong Kong. As post-arrival quarantine is also required, the suitability of the farm for post-arrival quarantine needs to be assessed by officers of this Department before the issue of the import permit.
- I want to import animal products and animal carcasses, what should I need to do?
Section 11 of the Rabies Regulation, Cap. 421, stipulates that no person shall import into Hong Kong any animal, carcass or animal product except a permit issued by this Department is obtained well in advance.
Under this Ordinance, "animals" means all members of the class mammalia (mammals) except human beings; "Animal Products" means parts or derivatives of a dog, a cat (e.g. dog skin, canine semen, canine plasma, etc.) or any animal that has been infected with rabies and "carcasses" includes the carcass of a dog or cat, the carcass of any animal that has died on the journey to Hong Kong or the undressed carcass of any animal.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact the Plant and Pesticides Regulatory Division of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department at –
Tel: 2150 7000
- I would like to bring some live flowering plants into Hong Kong after travelling abroad. What are the procedures involved?
Under the Plant (Importation and Pest Control) Ordinance (Cap. 207), it is illegal to import plants, plant pests or soil into Hong Kong without a valid Plant Import Licence/Authorization issued in advance by the AFCD. However, cut flowers, vegetables/fruits/seeds for consumption, plants and soil produced in and imported from any place in China outside Hong Kong are exempted from the requirement.
- I plan to travel to Australia next month and would like to bring a potted cactus plant with peat moss into Hong Kong. What documents do I need?
As the plant intended to be imported is with peat moss, you are required to apply for a Plant Import Licence and an Authorization from the AFCD prior to your departure. You are also required to apply for a Phytosanitary Certificate from the plant quarantine authority of Australia before returning to Hong Kong. In addition, as cacti are endangered plants under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586), an export permit issued under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) by the Australian CITES authority is required. Depending on the circumstances, you may also need to apply in advance for licences of endangered species issued by the AFCD.
- I would like to bring into Hong Kong some Lilium bulbs and flower seeds without soil for planting from the Netherlands. What are the procedures involved?
Before importing Lilium bulbs, you are required to apply for a Plant Import Licence from the AFCD. The bulbs, upon landing in Hong Kong, must be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the plant quarantine authority of the Netherlands. For importation of flower seeds, only a Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the Netherlands is required. Please note that only Phytosanitary Certificates issued not more than 14 days prior to the date of the export will be accepted as valid documents. After arrival in Hong Kong, you should submit all the required documents to the customs officers or staff of the AFCD for clearance. The bulbs must be inspected to the satisfaction of the AFCD before entering Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Endangered Species Protection Division (Animal Licensing Unit)
Tel: 2150 6973
Endangered Species Protection Division (Plant Licensing Unit)
Tel: 2150 6967
- What are the controls on endangered species in Hong Kong ?
In Hong Kong, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, Cap. 586, is the local legislation that gives effect to CITES. Under the Ordinance, import, introduction from the sea, export, re-export or possession of endangered species, whether alive, dead, parts or derivatives, requires a licence which must be obtained in advance from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD). The Ordinance also provides exemptions for certain specimens of species.
- How could I make an enquiry about the control on a certain species of animal or plant?
To find out whether an animal or plant is a controlled species, you can check the Schedules 1 to Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, or the Appendices of CITES. You may also check the regulation status of species using their scientific name on Species+ (
- When do I need to apply for "Combine Application of Licence to Export / Re-export for Endangered Species & Non-CITES Re-export Certificate"?
Some items (e.g. handbag) may contain both CITESitems and non-CITES items to which a "Re-export Certificate for Species of non-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) or not yet Controlled under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586)" is required on top of a "Licence to Export / Re-export for Endangered Species" together. In such case, you can use combined application to apply for both the certificate and licence in one go.
- Can I change the application after the application is submitted?
You cannot change the application once the application is submitted through TSW. For any changes, please contact the Endangered Species Protection Division at 2150 6973 or
- How do I input the marking numbers for my specimens?
You can upload a file that contains an image of the marking numbers in the "Supporting Documents" section. Once the marking numbers are processed by AFCD officers, the application will be sent back to you as a new revision. You can then confirm the marking numbers and endorse the revised application.
- I want to import a living animal which is also an endangered species, what licences should I apply? What are the standard procedures for applying these licences?
The standard procedure is to apply for a Special Permit for the living animal first. The application will be reviewed by AFCD and in case the living animal is an endangered species, a notification will be sent to you, informing you to apply for the "Licence to Import for Endangered Species". When applying for the "Licence to Import for Endangered Species", you will be required to provide the Animal Application Reference Number.
- Are there any e-licence for trade documents in relation to endangered species?
No, only paper licence are available.
- What are the file format and file size limit supported by applications in relation to endangered species?
File format: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf only.
Maximum total upload file size: 25MB
- How can I cancel an issued licence?
You cannot cancel an issued licence through TSW. To cancel an issued licence, you should return the original paper licence to AFCD.
- Can I apply for multiple licences on same application?
Yes, you can apply multiple identical licences by filling in the quantity of licence during application.
- How to use the batch upload function?
You can download an excel template from section of “Upload Specimen Details” under “Part 4 –Details”. In the excel, there is a "sample" tab for your reference. Fill in the data field of "specimens" tab. After you fill in the excel, you can upload it through the upload file button. Details of all specimens in the excel will then be loaded to the application page.
Permit |
Special Permit (For the Importation/ Transit/ Transhipment of Horses) |
Special Permit (For the Importation of Breeding Pigs from Overseas Countries/Places other than Mainland China) |
Special Permit (For the Importation/Transit/Transhipment of Animals & Birds from Overseas) |
- If I wish to import pet(s) from the overseas to Hong Kong for pet or trading purpose, what should I need to do?
According to Public Health (Animals and Birds) Ordinance Cap. 139, and the Rabies Ordinance Cap. 421, any person must obtain a Special Permit from this Department in advance before importing animals from the overseas to Hong Kong. For application procedure, please refer to the link:
- Can I import birds for pet or commercial purpose from any country?
According to Public Health (Animals and Birds) Ordinance Cap. 139, any person must obtain a Special Permit from this Department in advance before importing birds from the overseas to Hong Kong.
Due to the recent avian influenza outbreaks in a number of countries/places, temporary suspension was imposed on the import of live poultry and birds from the some countries/places. Details please refer to the link:
- How long is the permit last for?
Once the permit issued, it is valid for 6 months and for one consignment only. Animals must be imported on or before the expiry date of the permit.
- If my cat/dog has visited a Group IIIA/B country/place, will it be subject to quarantine at the AFCD quarantine centre upon arrival in Hong Kong?
Yes, your cat/dog will have to undergo different quarantine periods at the AFCD quarantine centre upon arrival in Hong Kong from a Group IIIA or Group IIIB country/place. Before coming back to Hong Kong, please obtain a Special/Import Permit and reserve the quarantine space in advance.
Starting from December 1 2024, the Group IIIA is introduced for exporting countries/places, and the original Group III will be renamed as Group IIIB. The quarantine period for cats and dogs imported from Group IIIA countries/places is shortened to 30 days while that from Group IIIB countries/places is remain at 120 days.
Details about the new quarantine arrangements and the application procedures for importing cats and dogs, including the reservation of quarantine facilities and information on the recognised laboratories, are available on AFCD’s website:
Dog/cat will be released from quarantine under the condition that it has no clinical signs of rabies and the quarantine fee has been settled.
- Any dog breed are prohibited to be imported?
Yes. Fighting dogs listed in Schedule 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Regulation, Cap. 167, sub Leg. D, of the type known as the Pit Bull Terrier (also known as the American Staffordshire Terrier), the Japanese Tosa, the Dogo Argentino and the Fila Braziliero and any dog of their crossbreeds are prohibited to be imported / transhipped. In the case of Staffordshire Bull Terrier, a statutory declaration must be submitted with the application.
- What do I need if I want to import Bengal cat?
Bengal cats must not be imported / transhipped unless documentation certifying that the cat is of 5th or above 5th generation.
- If I wish to import reptiles from the overseas to Hong Kong for pet or trading purpose, what should I need to do?
Animals should not be brought into Hong Kong (either import or transshipment/transit) unless a Special Permit to do so is obtained in advance from this Department.
If the animals are imported for trading purpose, applicants must obtain an Animal Trader License in advance.
Reptile is a diverse group of animals and each species has different characteristics.
Prior assessment will be conducted before considering the issuance of permit for its import. The major factors we will take into account are: level of domestication of the species, risk of diseases introduction, animal welfare, public safety, ecological impact and etc.
Please email us the scientific name of the species before submitting the application. Additional information may be required for further consideration.
Licence |
Toothfish Export Licence |
Toothfish Import Licence |
Toothfish Re-export Licence |
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact the Fisheries Management Division of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department at –
Tel: 2150 6634
- Who are eligible to apply for a Hong Kong Natural Sand Final User Certificate?
Any person, including the Importer or the Exporter is eligible to submit the application.
- How long is the Hong Kong Natural Sand Final User Certificate valid for?
The period of validity is specified on Hong Kong Natural Sand Final User Certificate. Its validity will normally not exceed 30 calendar days.
- How long does it take for the application process of Hong Kong Natural Sand Final User Certificate after I have submitted the application?
If all the required information/documents are complete and valid, the Chief Engineer/Fill Management of the Civil Engineering and Development Department will issue the Final User Certificate to the Applicant. It normally takes 2 working days upon receiving all supporting documents which are complete and valid.
- How can I make an enquiry?
- For enquiries, please contact the subject officers of the Fill Management Division of Civil Engineering and Development Department: Tel: (852) 2246 8220, Fax: (852) 2714 9481 or Email address: The office hours are 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 5:15 pm from Monday to Friday (excluding Chinese Winter Solstice Festival, Christmas Eve, Lunar New Year’s Eve and General Holidays).
- Under what circumstances do I need to apply for a Sand Removal Permit?
Under the Sand Ordinance (Cap. 147), a Sand Removal Permit is required from the Director of Civil Engineering and Development for the removal, transportation or importation of sand in excess of 100kg in Hong Kong. The Ordinance does not apply to sand produced by any quarrying operation or by the washing of other material so as to produce sand. Application for Sand Removal Permit should be submitted before the sand concerned entering the Hong Kong.
- Who are eligible to apply for a Sand Removal Permit?
Any person, including the Importer or the Exporter is eligible to submit the application.
- How long is the Sand Removal Permit valid for?
The period of validity is specified on Sand Removal Permit. Its validity will normally not exceed 30 calendar days.
- How long does it take for the application process of Sand Removal Permit after I have submitted the application?
If all the required information/documents are complete and valid, the Chief Engineer/Fill Management of the Civil Engineering and Development Department will issue the Sand Removal Permit to the Applicant. It normally takes 2 working days upon receiving all supporting documents which are complete and valid..
- How can I make an enquiry?
- For enquiries, please contact the subject officers of the Fill Management Division of Civil Engineering and Development Department: Tel: (852) 2246 8220, Fax: (852) 2714 9481 or Email address: . The office hours are 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 5:15 pm from Monday to Friday (excluding Chinese Winter Solstice Festival, Christmas Eve, Lunar New Year’s Eve and General Holidays)
Authorizations |
Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals |
Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals |
Combined Application (for Export of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) - (a) Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals; and (b) Export Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines |
Combined Application (for Import of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) - (a) Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals; and (b) Import Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines |
- Under Phase 1 of the Trade Single Window (TSW), are there any trade documents covering import/export of controlled chemicals and pharmaceutical raw materials?
Under the Control of Chemicals Ordinance (CCO), Cap. 145 of Laws of Hong Kong, the importation or exportation of controlled chemicals into/from Hong Kong shall be covered by a “Licence”. Besides, the importation or exportation of each shipment (goods/articles) of controlled chemicals into/from Hong Kong shall also be covered by an “Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals”/“Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals”. While for transhipment via Hong Kong, each shipment (goods/articles) of controlled chemicals shall be covered by a “Permit to Remove Controlled Chemicals in Transhipment”. The Licence, Authorization and Permit are issued by the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED). For further information, please visit the website of C&ED and make reference to the leaflet.
In addition, under the Import and Export Ordinance (IEO), Cap. 60 of Laws of Hong Kong, the importation or exportation of pharmaceutical products and medicines into/from Hong Kong shall be covered by an “Import Licence”/“Export Licence” issued by Department of Health. Please click here for further information.
The trade documents involving Controlled Chemicals and/or pharmaceutical raw materials as specified in Schedules 1 - 3 of CCO currently available under Phase 1 of the TSW are listed as follows-
Trade Documents covered under Phase 1 of TSW Type of Controlled Chemicals (1) Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals Import/Export/Transhipment of Controlled Chemicals (including their salts except those of sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid whenever the existence of such salts are possible) as specified in Schedules 1 - 3 of CCO (2) Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals (3) Permit to Remove Controlled Chemicals in Transhipment (4) Combined Application (for Import of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) -
(a) Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals; and
(b) Import Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and MedicinesImport/Export of pharmaceutical raw materials with ingredients containing controlled chemicals (i.e. Ephedrine, Ergotamine, Ergometrine, Pseudoephedrine or Norephedrine and their salts) specified under Schedule 2 of CCO (5) Combined Application (for Export of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) -
(a) Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals; and
(b) Export Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and MedicinesImport and export of pharmaceutical products/medicines other than that in items (4) - (5) above are not currently covered in Phase 1 of TSW, please refer to Drug Office, Department of Health website.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
Controlled Chemicals and Support Division of the Customs and Excise Department
Tel: 2541 4383
Drug Office of the Department of Health,
Drug Evaluation and Import/Export Control Division
Tel: 3974 4180
For details about the submission, you may visit the website of the Customs and Excise Department.
- Why do I need the “Certification of Non-US Frozen Chicken Products Transhipped to the Mainland through Hong Kong” (Certification)?
According to the Notice No. 54 of 2011 promulgated by the General Administration of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China (“the Mainland Customs”), with effect from 1.9.2011, the Mainland Customs has enhanced the control measures on the import of the frozen chicken products transhipped to the Mainland through Hong Kong. The Mainland consignees or their agents, apart from submitting the required documents for the import of Non-US frozen chicken products through Hong Kong, are also required to provide a certificate issued by Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) for Mainland Customs clearance. The requirement aimed at confirming that the relevant products had not been tampered with during the transhipment period in Hong Kong.
In order to facilitate local traders to meet the requirement for the enhanced control measure imposed by the Mainland Customs when transhipping Non-US frozen chicken products to the Mainland through Hong Kong, C&ED would provide transhipment certification for these products by issuing the Certification for Customs clearance in the Mainland.
- Who may need the “Certification of Non-US Frozen Chicken Products transhipped to the Mainland through Hong Kong” (Certification)?
- The application is on a voluntary basis. Nonetheless, any trader or agent who wishes to tranship Non-US frozen chicken products to the Mainland through Hong Kong may apply for the Certification for Mainland Customs clearance.
- When shall I make an application?
For transhipment cargo without vanning or devanning in Hong Kong
Application shall be submitted, together with relevant supporting documents, two clear working days prior to the shipment arrival.For re-export cargo with vanning or devanning in Hong Kong
Application shall be submitted, together with relevant supporting documents, two clear working days prior to the shipment departure.Note: Working days exclude Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.
- How long will it take for the application?
- After checking the submitted documents which are found in order, the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) will confirm with the applicant for the arrival details so as to apply Customs seals on relevant cargo container (for transhipment without vanning/devanning) or to apply Customs seals on relevant cargo container after monitoring the entire vanning/devanning process (for re-export cargo with vanning/devanning). After applying Customs seals on containers, C&ED will issue a Confirmation Certificate as soon as possible to the applicant for Mainland Customs clearance.
- What can I do to facilitate the application process?
The Customs and Excise Department will confirm with the applicant on the date, time and place for applying Customs seals.
For transhipment cargo without vanning/devanning in Hong Kong, the applicant shall ensure that the original container seal remain intact before the application of Customs seal.
For re-export cargo with vanning/devanning in Hong Kong, the applicant shall ensure that the original container seal remain intact before the monitoring for vanning/devanning by C&ED officers.
- Is the cargo eligible for a Confirmation Certificate if it has stayed in other places or countries or the vessel carrying such cargo has docked at a ports in Mainland China prior to its arrival of Hong Kong?
- No. For eligibility for a Confirmation Certificate, the relevant cargo must be shipped from its country of origin to Hong Kong directly. If the relevant cargo has stayed in other places or countries or the vessel loaded with it has docked at any ports in Mainland China prior to its arrival at Hong Kong, regardless of whether such cargo has been disembarked at any ports of Mainland China or not, such cargo is not eligible for a Confirmation Certificate.
- How can I obtain more information concerning the relevant regulation implemented by the Mainland Customs?
- Details of Notice No. 54 of 2011 promulgated by the General Administration of the Customs of the People's Republic of China could be found here.
- How can I make an enquiry?
- For enquiry, please contact the CEPA and Trade Inspection Bureau of the Customs and Excise Department at –
Tel: (852) 2398 5225 / (852) 2398 5244 or 24-hour Enquiry Hotline: (852) 2815 7711
Facsimile : (852) 2413 6693
Email :
- Do I need to make an advance declaration via the Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments Declaration System (CDS) for importing or exporting a large quantity of currency and bearer negotiable instruments (CBNIs)?
Pursuant to the Cross-boundary Movement of Physical Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments Ordinance, Chapter 629, Laws of Hong Kong (the Ordinance), an advance electronic declaration must be made to the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) via the CDS for importing or exporting on a cross-boundary conveyance a large quantity of CBNIs (i.e. CBNIs of a total value of more than HKD120,000) as cargo in one batch. Please refer to the website of C&ED and FAQs for more information about the declaration requirements.
- Can I make an advance declaration for importing or exporting a large quantity of CBNIs via the CDS through the Trade Single Window (TSW)?
A Registered User of TSW with a valid digital certificate issued by the recognized certification authority or “iAM Smart+” can access to the CDS through single sign-on from TSW upon successful service subscription and link-up with the CDS in TSW.
To enjoy single sign-on after service subscription of the CDS, a Registered User of TSW is required to establish link-up with a valid digital certificate issued by the recognized certification authorities or “iAM Smart+”, of which the identity information must be the same as the TSW account. The linked digital certificate or “iAM Smart+” must be used for digital signing when processing declarations in the CDS.
Please click this link for more information about the recognized certification authorities in Hong Kong and this link for more information about “iAM Smart+”.
- Can I use my personal digital certificate or “iAM Smart+” to link-up with the CDS service if my TSW account is a Company/Organisation Account?
A TSW user with a Company/Organisation Account has to use an organisational digital certificate to link-up with the CDS service; while an Individual Account can either use a personal digital certificate or “iAM Smart+” for link-up. The identity information of the digital certificate or “iAM Smart+” must be the same as the TSW account.
- Can I make advance declarations for importing or exporting a large quantity of CBNIs via the CDS through TSW after a request has been made to change my TSW user profile?
The TSW account will be under restricted state when the user requests for profile change. Depending on whether the type of information being changed is essential for the purpose of link-up with the CDS (i.e. identity information), the user may not be able to perform link-up with the CDS or process declarations in the CDS until the TSW account resumes to normal state after the approval for change is granted by the Office of Single Window Operation. The user is also required to ensure the identity information of his/her digital certificate or “iAM Smart+” is tallied with the updated TSW account for re-accessing to the CDS. If there is any difficulty in accessing the CDS via TSW, declarations can be made directly through the CDS with a valid digital certificate or “iAM Smart+”.
- How to renew my digital certificate if link-up has already been established between my TSW account and CDS service?
In order to establish a new link-up with CDS service by using a renewed digital certificate, you have to take the following steps:
- Login to TSW
- Click “Subscription” on the top navigation menu
- Click “My subscriptions”, unsubscribe from “D03 Declaration Form for Cross-boundary Transportation of Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments (CBNIs)”
- Click “Subscribe now”, subscribe to “D03 Declaration Form for Cross-boundary Transportation of Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments (CBNIs)”
- Use your new digital certificate to link-up with CDS service
- What will happen if I unsubscribe from CDS service?
The link-up between your TSW account and the CDS will be de-linked automatically when the user unsubscribes from CDS service in TSW. To access the CDS via TSW again, the user has to subscribe to CDS service and establish a new link-up with his/her TSW account by using a valid digital certificate issued by the recognized certification authorities or “iAM Smart+”, of which the identity information must be the same as the TSW account. The linked digital certificate or “iAM Smart+” must be used for digital signing when processing declarations in the CDS.
- What can be done if the digital certificate which has been linked-up with the CDS service is expired?
The link-up between your TSW account and the CDS will be de-linked automatically upon expiry of the digital certificate. To access the CDS via TSW again, the user has to establish a new link-up with his/her TSW account by using a valid digital certificate issued by the recognized certification authorities or “iAM Smart+”, of which the identity information must be the same as the TSW account. The linked digital certificate or “iAM Smart+” must be used for digital signing when processing declarations in the CDS.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact Financial Intelligence Coordination Division of the Customs and Excise Department at –
Tel: 3759 3184
- What kinds of goods are required to be declared in the Import and Export Statements?
All goods to which the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, Chapter 109, Laws of Hong Kong applies, including:
- hydrocarbon oils;
- liquors (except wine and liquors with an alcoholic strength of not more than 30% by volume measured at a temperature of 20°C);
- methyl alcohol; and
- tobacco
being imported or exported, should be declared in the import and export statement. Separate statements shall be furnished in respect of each class of dutiable goods.
- If my import / export shipment does not carry any dutiable commodities, do I need to submit any import or export statement?
Yes, an import or export statement is required for every import or export shipment. If an import / export shipment does not carry any dutiable commodities, a statement that no such goods are carried onboard is required.
Licence |
Combined application for (a) TRA 187 (Form 3) Import Licence; and (b) CED 372 Application for Import Licence for Optical Disc Mastering and Replication Equipment |
Combined application for (a) TRA 394 (Form 6) Export Licence; and (b) CED 373 Application for Export Licence for Optical Disc Mastering and Replication Equipment |
- What are the procedures for the import or export of Optical Disc Mastering Replication Equipment (ODMRE)?
Any person, who imports or exports ODMRE, must apply for an import or export licence. Application can be made through the Trade Single Window. For details of the requirement, please visit the website of Customs and Excise Department.
- What are the procedures for importing or exporting Video Compact Disc (VCD) or Compact Disc-Recordable (CD-R)?
At present, the import or export of optical discs, including VCD and CD-R, is not subject to any control. Nevertheless, an importer or exporter must lodge the trade declaration required under the Import and Export Ordinance.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact the Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau of the Customs and Excise Department at –
Tel: 2851 1625
- Under Phase 1 of the Trade Single Window (TSW), are there any trade documents covering import/export of controlled chemicals and pharmaceutical raw materials?
Under the Control of Chemicals Ordinance (CCO), Cap. 145 of Laws of Hong Kong, the importation or exportation of controlled chemicals into/from Hong Kong shall be covered by a “Licence”. Besides, the importation or exportation of each shipment (goods/articles) of controlled chemicals into/from Hong Kong shall also be covered by an “Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals”/“Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals”. While for transhipment via Hong Kong, each shipment (goods/articles) of controlled chemicals shall be covered by a “Permit to Remove Controlled Chemicals in Transhipment”. The Licence, Authorization and Permit are issued by the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED). For further information, please visit the website of C&ED and make reference to the leaflet.
In addition, under the Import and Export Ordinance (IEO), Cap. 60 of Laws of Hong Kong, the importation or exportation of pharmaceutical products and medicines into/from Hong Kong shall be covered by an “Import Licence”/“Export Licence” issued by Department of Health. Please click here for further information.
The trade documents involving Controlled Chemicals and/or pharmaceutical raw materials as specified in Schedules 1 - 3 of CCO currently available under Phase 1 of the TSW are listed as follows-
Trade Documents covered under Phase 1 of TSW Type of Controlled Chemicals (1) Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals Import/Export/Transhipment of Controlled Chemicals (including their salts except those of sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid whenever the existence of such salts are possible) as specified in Schedules 1 - 3 of CCO (2) Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals (3) Permit to Remove Controlled Chemicals in Transhipment (4) Combined Application (for Import of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) -
(a) Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals; and
(b) Import Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and MedicinesImport/Export of pharmaceutical raw materials with ingredients containing controlled chemicals (i.e. Ephedrine, Ergotamine, Ergometrine, Pseudoephedrine or Norephedrine and their salts) specified under Schedule 2 of CCO (5) Combined Application (for Export of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) -
(a) Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals; and
(b) Export Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and MedicinesImport and export of pharmaceutical products/medicines other than that in items (4) - (5) above are not currently covered in Phase 1 of TSW, please refer to Drug Office, Department of Health website.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
Controlled Chemicals and Support Division of the Customs and Excise Department
Tel: 2541 4383
Drug Office of the Department of Health,
Drug Evaluation and Import/Export Control Division
Tel: 3974 4180
- What are the procedures for the transshipment of Optical Disc Mastering Replication Equipment (ODMRE)?
Any person, who makes transshipment of ODMRE, must apply for the Transhipment Notification. Application can be made through the Trade Single Window. For details of the requirement, please visit the website of Customs and Excise Department.
- What are the procedures for importing or exporting Video Compact Disc (VCD) or Compact Disc-Recordable (CD-R)?
At present, the import or export of optical discs, including VCD and CD-R, is not subject to any control. Nevertheless, an importer or exporter must lodge the trade declaration required under the Import and Export Ordinance.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact the Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau of the Customs and Excise Department at –
Tel: 2851 1625
Authorizations |
Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals |
Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals |
Combined Application (for Export of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) - (a) Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals; and (b) Export Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines |
Combined Application (for Import of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) - (a) Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals; and (b) Import Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines |
- Under Phase 1 of the Trade Single Window (TSW), are there any trade documents covering import/export of controlled chemicals and pharmaceutical raw materials?
Under the Control of Chemicals Ordinance (CCO), Cap. 145 of Laws of Hong Kong, the importation or exportation of controlled chemicals into/from Hong Kong shall be covered by a “Licence”. Besides, the importation or exportation of each shipment (goods/articles) of controlled chemicals into/from Hong Kong shall also be covered by an “Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals”/“Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals”. While for transhipment via Hong Kong, each shipment (goods/articles) of controlled chemicals shall be covered by a “Permit to Remove Controlled Chemicals in Transhipment”. The Licence, Authorization and Permit are issued by the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED). For further information, please visit the website of C&ED and make reference to the leaflet.
In addition, under the Import and Export Ordinance (IEO), Cap. 60 of Laws of Hong Kong, the importation or exportation of pharmaceutical products and medicines into/from Hong Kong shall be covered by an “Import Licence”/“Export Licence” issued by Department of Health. Please click here for further information.
The trade documents involving Controlled Chemicals and/or pharmaceutical raw materials as specified in Schedules 1 - 3 of CCO currently available under Phase 1 of the TSW are listed as follows-
Trade Documents covered under Phase 1 of TSW Type of Controlled Chemicals (1) Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals Import/Export/Transhipment of Controlled Chemicals (including their salts except those of sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid whenever the existence of such salts are possible) as specified in Schedules 1 - 3 of CCO (2) Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals (3) Permit to Remove Controlled Chemicals in Transhipment (4) Combined Application (for Import of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) -
(a) Authorization to Import Controlled Chemicals; and
(b) Import Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and MedicinesImport/Export of pharmaceutical raw materials with ingredients containing controlled chemicals (i.e. Ephedrine, Ergotamine, Ergometrine, Pseudoephedrine or Norephedrine and their salts) specified under Schedule 2 of CCO (5) Combined Application (for Export of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) -
(a) Authorization to Export Controlled Chemicals; and
(b) Export Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and MedicinesImport and export of pharmaceutical products/medicines other than that in items (4) - (5) above are not currently covered in Phase 1 of TSW, please refer to Drug Office, Department of Health website.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
Controlled Chemicals and Support Division of the Customs and Excise Department
Tel: 2541 4383
Drug Office of the Department of Health,
Drug Evaluation and Import/Export Control Division
Tel: 3974 4180
- What is a “dangerous drug” in Hong Kong?
Dangerous drug means any of the drugs or substances specified in Part I of the First Schedule of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, Cap. 134 of Laws of Hong Kong.
- How can I obtain further information on the requirement/procedure of importing/exporting a dangerous drug?
You are advised to refer to guidelines and information from the website of Drug Office.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact - Drug Evaluation and Import/Export Control Division, Drug Office, Department of Health Tel: 3974 4180 Email:
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
Radiation Health Division, Department of Health
Tel: 3620 3814
- What are the controls on import of radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus in Hong Kong ?
Under the Import (Radiation) (Prohibition) Regulations (Subsidiary legislation under Cap. 60 of the Laws of Hong Kong), import of radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus are required to be under and in accordance with valid import licences issued by the Director-General of Trade and Industry.
Export of these products are, however, not subject to licensing control.
The Customs and Excise Department will check whether radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus are imported under and in accordance with a licence. Any person who contravenes the licensing requirements may be prosecuted and liable on conviction to a maximum penalty of a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment of one year. In addition, the Trade and Industry Department may take administrative action, independent and irrespective of legal action mentioned above, against the parties to a licence.
Please visit the Trade and Industry Department web page for further information.
- How could I know whether import of a specific article requires Import Licence for Radioactive Substances and Irradiating Apparatus?
If an article is radioactive substance or irradiating apparatus according to the following definitions, import of the article requires Import Licence for Radioactive Substances and Irradiating Apparatus.
Radioactive substance means any substance which consists of or contains any radioactive chemical element whether natural or artificial and whose specific activity exceeds 75 bequerels of parent radioactive chemical element per gram of substance.
Irradiating apparatus means any apparatus which—
(a) is intended to produce or emit ionizing radiation; or
(b) is capable of producing or emitting ionizing radiation at a dose rate exceeding 5 µSv per hour at a distance of 5 cm from any accessible point of the surface of the apparatus;
Licence |
Import Licence for Dangerous Drugs |
Export Licence for Dangerous Drugs |
Import Certificate for Dangerous Drugs |
- What is a “dangerous drug” in Hong Kong?
Dangerous drug means any of the drugs or substances specified in Part I of the First Schedule of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, Cap. 134 of Laws of Hong Kong.
- How can I obtain further information on the requirement/procedure of importing/exporting a dangerous drug?
You are advised to refer to guidelines and information from the website of Drug Office.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact - Drug Evaluation and Import/Export Control Division, Drug Office, Department of Health Tel: 3974 4180 Email:
Licence |
Import Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines |
Export Licence for Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines |
- What is considered as a “pharmaceutical product” or “medicine” in Hong Kong?
According to the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, Cap. 138, pharmaceutical product—
means a substance or combination of substances that—
- is presented as having properties for treating or preventing disease in human beings or animals; or
may be used in or administered to human beings or animals with a view to—
- restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action; or
- making a medical diagnosis; and
- includes an advanced therapy product.
means a substance or combination of substances that—
- How can I obtain further information on the requirement/procedure of importing/exporting a pharmaceutical product?
You are advised to refer to guidelines and information from the website of Drug Office.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact - Drug Evaluation and Import/Export Control Division, Drug Office, Department of Health Tel: 3974 4180 Email:
- Is it necessary to apply for an import/export licence when importing/exporting any Chinese herbal medicines?
According to the Import and Export (General) Regulations (Cap. 60, Sub. Legislation A), the import/export of Chinese herbal medicines specified in Schedule 1 of the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Chaper 549) (“the Ordinance”), 5 types of Chinese herbal medicines specified in Schedule 2 of “the Ordinance" (namely, Flos Campsis(凌霄花);processed Radix Aconiti(製川烏);processed Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii(製草烏);Radix Clematidis(威靈仙)and Radix Gentianae(龍膽)) are subject to import/export controls. Anyone who imports/exports the above-mentioned Chinese herbal medicines or their single Chinese medicine granules for prescription must apply for the relevant import/export licence from the Department of Health in advance.
- How long is the validity of an import/export licence for Chinese herbal medicines?
An import licence for Chinese herbal medicines is valid for six months from the date of issue, whereas an export licence for Chinese herbal medicines is valid for twenty-eight days from the date of issue.
- How can I make an enquiry?
Please refer to the website of the Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office of the Department of Health and FAQ of the website of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong for details. For enquiry, please contact: Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office, Department of Health Import and Export Control Team Tel: 3904 9230 Email:
- Is it necessary to apply for an import/export licence when importing/exporting proprietary Chinese medicines?
According to the Import and Export (General) Regulations (Chapter 60, Sub. Legislation A), the import/export of proprietary Chinese medicines as defined in the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Chapter 549) is subject to import/export controls. Anyone who imports/exports proprietary Chinese medicines must apply for the relevant import/export licence from the Department of Health in advance.
- How long is the validity of an import/export licence for proprietary Chinese medicines?
An import licence for proprietary Chinese medicines is valid for six months from the date of issue, whereas an export licence for proprietary Chinese medicines is valid for twenty-eight days from the date of issue.
- How can I make an enquiry?
Please refer to the website of the Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office of the Department of Health and FAQ of the website of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong for details. For enquiry, please contact: Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office, Department of Health Import and Export Control Team Tel: 3904 9230 Email:
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
Port Health Division (Head Office), Department of Health
Tel: 3904 9316
- What is a “dangerous drug” in Hong Kong?
Dangerous drug means any of the drugs or substances specified in Part I of the First Schedule of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, Cap. 134 of Laws of Hong Kong.
- How can I obtain further information on the requirement/procedure of importing/exporting a dangerous drug?
You are advised to refer to guidelines and information from the website of Drug Office.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact - Drug Evaluation and Import/Export Control Division, Drug Office, Department of Health Tel: 3974 4180 Email:
Licence |
Combined Application (for Import of Methyl Bromide) - (a) Import Licence (Ozone Depleting Substances); and (b) Import Licence for Pesticides (for Methyl Bromide) |
Combined Application (for Transhipment of Methyl Bromide) - (a) Import and Export Licence (for Transhipment of Ozone Depleting Substances); (b) Import Licence for Pesticides (for Methyl Bromide); and (c) Export Licence for Pesticides (for Methyl Bromide) |
Export Licence (Ozone Depleting Substances) |
Import Licence (Ozone Depleting Substances) |
Import and Export Licence (for Transhipment of Ozone Depleting Substances) |
For details about the submission, you may visit the websites of Trade and Industry Department and Environment Protection Department.
Licence |
Export Licence for Scheduled Chemicals |
Import Licence for Scheduled Chemicals |
- What are the import/export controls of scheduled chemicals under the Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance (HCCO), Cap. 595 of Laws of Hong Kong?
Any person importing, exporting, transhipping or transiting a scheduled chemical must hold a valid activity-based import permit, export permit, transhipment and transit permits for that chemical issued by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) respectively. In addition, each consignment of scheduled chemicals entering/leaving Hong Kong must also be covered by a consignment-based import/export licence issued under the Import and Export Ordinance (IEO), Cap. 60 of Laws of Hong Kong.
Transit of Type 2 scheduled chemicals is not regulated under the HCCO.
- What types of hazardous chemicals are controlled under the Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance (HCCO)?
The HCCO regulates non-pesticide hazardous chemicals that have potentially harmful or adverse effects on human health or the environment. There are two types of scheduled chemicals controlled under HCCO, including –
- Type 1 scheduled chemicals and
- Type 2 scheduled chemicals.
The list of scheduled chemicals is available here.
The HCCO does not apply to a scheduled chemical if the chemical is a constituent element of a manufactured product, except when the chemical is polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and when its concentration as a constituent element of a manufactured product exceeds 0.005 per cent (or 50 ppm) and its volume exceeds 0.05 litre.
- Who should apply for the import/export licence for scheduled chemicals?
Potential parties who should apply for the import/export licence for scheduled chemicals –
Capacity Potential Parties Subject to Control Importer (regardless of whether such scheduled chemicals are imported for the purpose of local consumption or re-export out of Hong Kong) - Local chemical traders
- Universities
- Research institutes
- Testing laboratories
- Carriers who assume the capacity of importer
Exporter - Local chemical traders
- Universities
- Research institutes
- Testing laboratories
- Carriers who assume the capacity of importer
Importer & Exporter (engaged in the business of transhipping / transiting scheduled chemicals through Hong Kong) - Shipping Companies
- Airlines
- Air cargo terminals
- Express or freight air transport companies
- Carriers who assume the capacity of importer and exporter
- What documents should I possess before I can make an application for a consignment-based import/export licence for a scheduled chemical under the Import and Export Ordinance (IEO)?
Applicants should have the following documents prior to IEO licence application –
- A valid activity-based import permit, export permit or transhipment and transit permits under the Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance; and
- Evidence of explicit consent from export and import countries or regions, as appropriate.
- Hong long would it remain valid for each consignment-based import/export licence issued under the Import and Export Ordinance?
The consignment-based import licence is generally valid for six months from the date of issue while the consignment-based export licence is generally valid for 28 days from the date of issue.
- How long would the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) take to issue a consignment-based import/export licence for a scheduled chemical under the Import and Export Ordinance?
EPD will diligently process an application upon receipt. However, the actual processing time of an application will depend on the number of applications being processed and the availability of information of individual applications. Applicants are required to submit the completed application form and all relevant information not less than two clear working days before the shipment arrival/departure.
- How to get further information about the Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance (HCCO)?
For further information about the HCCO, please visit the EPD’s website.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact the Territorial Control Office of the Environmental Protection Department at –
Tel.: 3107 2981
- What is the Food Inspection Certificate?
The Food Inspection Certificate is a trade facilitation measure for food exports to other countries/places. It is not a mandatory requirement for export of foods from Hong Kong. For details, please refer to the Guide to Application for Food Inspection Certificate.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2867 5577
- When do I need to apply for a Health Certificate for Foods of Animal Origin from the CFS?
If you need to provide a certificate to the relevant authority of the importing country/place to certify that your export products meet the veterinary health requirements imposed by the importing country/place, you can apply for a Health Certificate for Foods of Animals Origin from the CFS. Please note that your export products must contain ingredients of animal origin and must be manufactured by a licensed food factory in Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2867 5428
- When do I need an import licence from the Centre for Food Safety?
If you are going to import frozen or chilled beef, mutton, pork and poultry in Hong Kong, you should obtain in advance an import licence from the CFS under the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap. 60). For details, please refer to the Guide to Import of Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs into Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2156 3012
- What is the import permission for milk and frozen confections?
Under the Frozen Confections Regulation (Cap. 132AC) and the Milk Regulation (Cap. 132AQ), milk and frozen confections imported for sale must come from an approved source of manufacture. You have to obtain an import permission from the CFS before importing milk and frozen confections into Hong Kong.
For details, please refer to the Guide to Import Milk and Milk Beverages into Hong Kong and Guide to Import of Frozen Confections into Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2708 3031
- What is the import permission for milk?
Under the Milk Regulation (Cap. 132AQ), milk and frozen confections imported for sale must come from an approved source of manufacture. You have to obtain an import permission from the CFS before importing milk into Hong Kong.
For details, please refer to the Guide to Import Milk and Milk Beverages into Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2708 3031
- What is the import permission for eggs?
Under the imported Game, Meat, Poutlry and Eggs Regualtions (Cap. 132AK), import of eggs requires prior permission of the CFS.
For details, please refer to the Guide to Import of Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs into Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2867 5577
- What is Import Permission for Game, Meat and Poultry?
Under the Importer Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs Regulations (Cap. 132AK), import of the following food into Hong Kong requires prior permission of the CFS:
- Game;
- Prohibited meat; and
- Meat or poultry without a recognized health certificate.
- Issued by an issuing entity of the place of food origin;
- On which Hong Kong is stated as the place of food destination; and
- Recognized by the CFS.
For details, please refer to the Guide to Import of Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs into Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2867 5577
- What is Import Permission for Game, Meat and Poultry?
Under the Importer Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs Regulations (Cap. 132AK), import of the following food into Hong Kong requires prior permission of the CFS:
- Game;
- Prohibited meat; and
- Meat or poultry without a recognized health certificate.
- Issued by an issuing entity of the place of food origin;
- On which Hong Kong is stated as the place of food destination; and
- Recognized by the CFS.
For details, please refer to the Guide to Import of Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs into Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2867 5577
- What is Import Permission for Game, Meat and Poultry?
Under the Importer Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs Regulations (Cap. 132AK), import of the following food into Hong Kong requires prior permission of the CFS:
- Game;
- Prohibited meat; and
- Meat or poultry without a recognized health certificate.
- Issued by an issuing entity of the place of food origin;
- On which Hong Kong is stated as the place of food destination; and
- Recognized by the CFS.
For details, please refer to the Guide to Import of Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs into Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2867 5577
- What is Import Permission for Game, Meat and Poultry?
Under the Importer Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs Regulations (Cap. 132AK), import of the following food into Hong Kong requires prior permission of the CFS:
- Game;
- Prohibited meat; and
- Meat or poultry without a recognized health certificate.
A recognized Health Certificate means a Health Certifcate;- Issued by an issuing entity of the place of food origin;
- On which Hong Kong is stated as the place of food destination; and
- Recognized by the CFS.
For re-export of meat and poultry to the Mainland or Macau, if Hong Kong is not stated as the place of food destination on the health certificate which is therefore not a recognized one, an import permission is required. Similarly, for import of meat with an EU Export Declaration, which is not regarded as a recognized health certificate, an import permission is also required.
For details, please refer to the Guide to Import of Game, Meat, Poultry and Eggs into Hong Kong.
- How can I make an enquiry?
For enquiry, please contact
The Centre for Food Safety,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Tel: 2867 5577
Permit |
Export Permit for Radiocommunications Transmitting Apparatus |
Import Permit for Radiocommunications Transmitting Apparatus |
For details about the submission, you may visit the website of Office of Communications Authority–
For Import/Export Permit for Radiocommunications Transmitting Apparatus
For Transhipment Notification
For details about the submission, you may visit the website of Office of Communications Authority–
For Import/Export Permit for Radiocommunications Transmitting Apparatus
For Transhipment Notification
Licence |
Export Licence for Rice |
Import Licence for Rice |
For details about the submission, you may visit the website of Trade and Industry Department.
Certificate |
Kimberley Process Certificate (Export) |
Kimberley Process Certificate (Import) |
For details about the submission, you may visit the website of Trade and Industry Department.
Licence |
Combined Application (for Import of Methyl Bromide) - (a) Import Licence (Ozone Depleting Substances); and (b) Import Licence for Pesticides (for Methyl Bromide) |
Combined Application (for Transhipment of Methyl Bromide) - (a) Import and Export Licence (for Transhipment of Ozone Depleting Substances); (b) Import Licence for Pesticides (for Methyl Bromide); and (c) Export Licence for Pesticides (for Methyl Bromide) |
Export Licence (Ozone Depleting Substances) |
Import Licence (Ozone Depleting Substances) |
Import and Export Licence (for Transhipment of Ozone Depleting Substances) |
For details about the submission, you may visit the websites of Trade and Industry Department and Environment Protection Department.
- Verification of the validity of an electronic licence/permit
- What is the use of the QR code / Validation Code printed on the electronic licence/permit issued under the Trade Single Window (TSW) system?
The QR code / Validation Code printed on the electronic licence/permit issued under TSW is used to facilitate online verification of the licence/permit validity. Please click here for a sample of electronic licence/permit.
- Do I need to register as a Trade Single Window (TSW) user for using the Verification function? Do I need to pay for the function?
The verification is a function for Registered Users of TSW only. Both Registration and Verification is free of charge. Please click here for the details on Registration and refer to Q.3 for details on Verification.
- How can I verify the validity of an electronic licence/permit issued via the Trade Single Window (TSW) system?
Registered TSW users can verify the validity of the electronic licence/permit via the following methods–
Scan the QR code printed on the electronic licence/permit and then input your login information at the TSW login page. After login, the verification result will be shown, or
After login to the TSW system, select “Check Licence Validity” and input the Validation Code of the electronic licence/permit. The verification result will be shown.
Please click here for the list of trade document applicable to this function.
- Can I verify the validity of an issued trade document which is cancelled or expired?
Only a message box will be displayed to inform TSW Users that the trade document in question is cancelled or expired. The cancelled or expired trade document will not be displayed.
- New function
- Can I save and reuse the input consignment and transportation information for subsequent application?
Trade Single Window (TSW) System equips with the functions of "Save Draft" and "Retrieve Draft" to facilitate the TSW user in applying for licence/ permit. You can save the input information in the account by using "Save Draft" function before submitting licence/ permit application. Later, you can retrieve the saved information by using "Retrieve Draft" function for subsequent licence/ permit application. You can save one version of information for each type of licence/ permit for the purpose of reuse. If necessary, you can modify the saved information when applying for a new licence/ permit.
- Can I reuse information from the previously submitted application for a subsequent application?
Trade Single Window (TSW) System equips with the function of "Copy Application" to facilitate the TSW user to reuse information of a submitted application and copy into a new application.
- What is a User Pool?
A User Pool is an optional function that allows the Pool Administrator to perform the following functions for his/her Pool Member(s) based on its business needs.
- - View application and trade documents details;
- - Make changes on an application;
- - Make payment for an application;
- - Withdraw an application;
- - Upload supporting document to complete an application process; and
- - Request to amend and cancel an issued trade document.
In addition, a Pool Administrator can also delegate other user(s) in the User Pool to perform the above functions.
- Who can use a User Pool?
A User Pool is only for Trade Single Window user(s) registered by a valid Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate.
- Which trade documents are applicable to the User Pool function?
The function of user pool is applicable to all types of trade documents under Phase 1 and the following types of trade documents under Phase 2 -
item |
Types of Document | Government Agency |
1 | Licence to Export/Re-export for Endangered Species | Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department |
2 | Licence to Import for Endangered Species | Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department |
3 | Plant Import Licence | Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department |
4 | Re-export Certificate for Species of non-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora or not yet Controlled under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586) | Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department |
5 | Import and Export Statements for Dutiable Commodities | Customs and Excise Department |
6 | Import Licence for Radioactive Substances and Irradiating Apparatus | Department of Health |
7 | Import/Export Licence of Proprietary Chinese Medicines | Department of Health |
8 | Import/Export Licence of Chinese Herbal Medicines | Department of Health |
9 | Import/Transhipment Permit for Biological Materials | Department of Health |
10 | Import/Export Licence for Rice | Trade and Industry Department |
11 | Strategic Commodities Import/Export Licence | Trade and Industry Department |
- How many User Pools can be created for each Trade Single Window (TSW) registered company/organisation user(s)?
The number of User Pool that can be created is determined by the number of Company/Organisation Administrator in a company/organisation (i.e., each Company/Organisation Administrator account can create one User Pool).
- Can a user join multiple User Pools?
No, each administrator and user can only join one User Pool at all times. He/she needs to leave the existing User Pool before joining another one.
- How can a user join a User Pool?
An administrator can create a User Pool or join an existing Pool (Become the Pool Administrator in both cases) without having to be invited while users can only join a User Pool (as Pool Members) through invitation by the Pool Administrator. He/she can accept or reject the invitation. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to all Administrators of the corresponding User Pool.
- How can a user leave a User Pool?
The Pool Administrator can only leave a User Pool when there are two or more Pool Administrator(s) in the User Pool (i.e., at least one Pool Administrator in a User Pool). Pool members can only leave a User Pool by way of removal by the Pool Administrator.
- What is Notification Box?
Notification box is an inbox that stores the notification messages sent by the TSW system and other Participating Government Agencies (PGAs).
- Can I search a specific message in the Notification Box?
Yes, the messages in the Notification Box can be filtered by categories, senders, received date range or unread messages.
- Can I print out the message in the Notification Box?
Yes, you can print out the message. By clicking the “Option” button next to the message you wish to print out, then click on “Print”.
- Some applications from TSW Phase 1 documents cannot be accessed on the system anymore, what happened?
All data and supporting documents of completed applications and their associated licenses or permits of TSW Phase 1 documents will be retained online for 3 years.
- Can I retrieve applications of TSW Phase 1 documents that are no longer available online?
Please enquire the retrieval procedure with the Participating Government Agency of the license or permit concerned.
- Chatbot function
Chatbot on TSW website would not request you to provide any personal identifiable information. To secure the protection of privacy of individuals with respect to personal data, you should not provide any personal identifiable information using the function in chatbot.
Chatbot on TSW website operates on natural languages processing and machine learning technologies. It analyses inputted text to understand your needs and find suitable information, but the response may not be always correct. We will strive to improve chatbot's accuracy by learning the suitable answers to various questions through conversations with users.
Besides, the chatbot requires JavaScript to run on. If JavaScript support is turned off in your browser, the chatbot would not function.